As I sit here reflecting on my journey of becoming a Friend of BAFTS, I am filled with a profound sense of purpose and passion. For me, Fair Trade isn’t just a label or a trend – it’s a principle that resonates deeply with my values and beliefs. I remember starting my University dissertation with the words: “I am passionate about people, the planet and purpose.” This is the sentiment I come to you with today.

Above all, I’m drawn to Fair Trade because it’s all about supporting small businesses that make a significant impact, while upholding ethical business practices and promoting social justice. These are not faceless corporations driven solely by profit margins; rather, they are passionate artisans and producers who pour their hearts and souls into creating exquisite hand-crafted products. By choosing to shop Fair Trade, I am actively contributing to the livelihoods of these individuals and their communities, empowering them to thrive and build a better future for themselves. 

But beyond the allure of unique and high-quality goods, my commitment to Fair Trade is rooted in a profound sense of justice and compassion. I believe in a world where every individual is treated with dignity and respect, where the products we purchase are not tainted by exploitation or forced labor. Fair Trade offers a tangible pathway towards this vision – a way to ensure that the people behind the products are fairly paid for their work and are able to do that in a safe environment.

Being a Friend of BAFTS means being part of a transformative movement for positive change. Not only do I have the privilege of connecting with inspiring individuals running Fair Trade businesses, but I also have the opportunity to deepen my understanding, expand my knowledge, and contribute to something greater. Equipped with valuable insights, I can spread awareness and encourage others to embrace Fair Trade and think more deeply about their consumer habits. The brilliant annual BAFTS conference serves as a hub for learning, networking, and fostering a shared commitment to advancing the Fair Trade movement. 

Step into a world where handcrafted wonders reign supreme, where Fair Trade are not just a buzzwords but a way of life. Join me as we journey through the vibrant tapestry of ethical commerce, where every stitch tells a story of empowerment and every purchase makes a massive difference. 

Here’s a poem I’ve written to capture that spirit and call to action all those who have a desire to join our cause.

Become a Friend of BAFTS,
If you love all things hand-craft.
When Fair Trade is at your core,
There’s no way you can ignore
Fast fashion, forced labour, bad practice and more.

We are here to speak out,
Valuing people, there is no doubt.
Beautiful products, high quality, best practice,
There’s no way you could want to live without this.
This is how we look to harness.

The world and all its beauty and creativity,
Should be a place of safety and security.
Join the cause to see this movement grow
Into everything we dream of, hope for, and know.
We can make a difference with every small seed that we sow.

So today, what will it be?
Can you make a small step towards plastic-free?
Will you think about the people behind the products you buy?
It’s not too late to make a change that will soar and fly.
We’re in this together and we’ll never walk on by.